



The Snohomish County Republican Party reaffirms the words of our founding fathers that we are one nation under God, dedicated to preserving the integrity of the principles in the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution.

Republicans believe good government is based on individual rights; each person’s ability, dignity, freedom, right of conscience and responsibility must be honored and recognized. The role of the traditional family as the basic unit of our community must be respected, protected, and nurtured. We believe free enterprise, private property rights, and encouragement of individual incentive are fundamental to our free society.


This platform is a statement of the goals and purposes of the Snohomish County Republican Party; it is an action plan on policy matters. These are the principles that define the proper role of government, the limits to its reach to protect our freedom, while addressing current issues. 

We dedicate time, talent, and efforts to electing those candidates who represent these principles and commit to implementing them into public policy.


The priority of government is to protect the individual rights of its citizens. The government must act within its constitutional limits to protect our liberty.  It is the responsibility of our lawmakers to enact only minimal regulations that are necessary to serve and protect the rights of the citizens.

  1. The US Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The Constitution is not a “living, breathing document.” The Constitution is not changeable other than by the process of Amendment as outlined therein. In the words of Justice Scalia: “It says what it says, and it does not say what it does not say.” We reject any treaty or judicial reference to international law that infringes upon US sovereignty or upon any individual liberty protected by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

  2. The Government is to work for and on behalf of the people, we call on all officials to embrace this philosophy. Special interests have become the focus to the detriment of the law-abiding tax paying citizens.

  3. All laws and regulations shall be written by our legislators and not by unelected bureaucrats.

  4. An individual’s unalienable rights as defined by the U.S. and Washington State Constitutions are supreme to the work of the legislature and judiciary.

  5. We expect all laws to be enforced for the benefit and well-being of the people, inasmuch as these laws are in harmony with the Constitution and The Bill of Rights.

  6. The individual’s right to self-defense, including the right to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, must be affirmed, upheld, and shall not be infringed. We support reciprocity between Washington and all other states for holders of state issued concealed carry permits.

  7. Justices must determine the constitutionality of our laws based on original intent and must not legislate from the bench. The Executive branch must not legislate by executive order.

  8. By law only a US citizen may register to vote in the US, must prove compliance with eligibility standards, and must provide picture ID with proof of citizenship when registering to vote.

  9. We expect our elected officials to lead by example. No one is above the law or too big to prosecute. All government officials should be held to the strictest standards in obeying laws.

  10. We support a constitutional amendment that requires at least one citizen parent for a baby born in USA to be considered an American citizen.

  11. We call on Washington State Legislature to protect our individual rights by preventing the Governor’s ability to declare a state of emergency for more than 30 days with out the consent of the legislature.


Traditional marriage and family, based on marriage between one biological man and one biological woman, is the foundation for a free society and has for millennia been entrusted with rearing children and instilling cultural values. A strong loving family is the safest and most nurturing environment for the upbringing, care, and moral training of children.  It provides a foundation for a healthy community and a strong nation. 

  1. We support an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution stating that marriage should be defined as the legal union between one man and one woman.

  2. We are opposed to the redefining of Marriage by the Judicial Branch of the Government.

  3. We support the original intent of the 1st Amendment concerning religion, which reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”

  1. We believe there are only 2 genders.

  2. We support the right of individuals to exercise their religious principles, in their personal life’s and in the management of their private businesses.

  3. We strongly oppose the Washington law allowing individuals to use the bathroom or locker room of their choice. We call on the legislature to rescind this law.


Life is an unalienable right which shall not be infringed. No public funding should be used for any act which violates the right to life.

  1. We affirm that life begins at conception.

  2. We oppose abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide.

  3. We support medical research that does not exploit or destroy life through practices such as human cloning or embryonic stem cell research.

  4. We oppose Contract Surrogacy.

  5. We oppose the practice of schools taking students for birth control or abortions. This practice violates both life and parental rights.


America has the best health care system in the world.  To sustain it and grow access to medical care:

  1. We oppose government run and mandated health care. We believe the health care plan passed by the Obama administration is unworkable and must be completely repealed.

  2. We support the free-market principles to allow people to purchase health insurance across state lines.

  3. We support cost-control through tort reform.

  4. We support the right of employers, employees, and medical providers to define their benefits package without government intrusion.

  5. We support the rights of physicians, pharmacists, and all health care workers to refuse to perform or participate in medical procedures, prescribe drugs, or supply drugs based on their moral, philosophical, or religious beliefs.

  6. We support parental consent for minors who seek medical procedures, treatments, or pharmaceuticals. Parents have a right to access all health care information about their minor children.

  7. Government does not have the right to any personal information exchanged between health care provider and patient.

  8. Government does not have the authority to mandate any invasive medical procedure, including vaccines.

  9. We oppose all procedures leading up to gender reassignment. We oppose any, and all, genital mutilations.

  10. We oppose any taxpayer funded heroin injection sites, and needle exchange programs.


We believe education should prepare our children to enter adulthood with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for a competitive market.  Parents must have the primary right, responsibility, and choice in the education of their children.

  1. Education must be knowledge-based and focus upon mastery of reading, writing and arithmetic in the lower grades. The K-12 curriculum must include English, writing, literature, math, personal finance, history, science, foreign language, and the arts.

  2. We support the right of parents to choose where and how to educate their children.

  3. We oppose education and information in schools regarding the promotion of sexual behaviors and alternative lifestyles. We believe in parental authority over moral issues. We oppose Social Emotional Learning and Comprehensive Sexuality Education.

  4. We believe that funding emphasis should be in the classroom and not in administration.

  5. We support using standardized testing such as the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) as a check on schools and districts, but not as the ultimate authority or a requirement for graduation or as the measure of teacher evaluation.

  6. We believe that local control of school curriculum serves students better than federal regulations and Common Core standards.

  7. Washington schools and education should operate independent of federal funding and legislation.


America’s private institutions are best at serving the needs of the community.

  1. We value integrity, morality, commitment, patriotism, civility, gratitude, service, charity, thrift, and industry. We expect the promotion of these American values in schools and other publicly funded programs and events.

  2. We favor local controls and governance close to the people. Community problems are best avoided or resolved through families, churches, local agencies, schools, and charities.

  3. Homeless encampments in public areas should be prohibited.

  4. Government must distinguish and separate the components of homelessness; drug addition, mental illness, and housing costs. Each component must be dealt with individually.


Elected officials have a responsibility to control taxation and eliminate wasteful, inappropriate government spending.  Spending must be aligned with priorities of government as those priorities are defined by the state and federal constitutions.   

  1. We support cutting the Federal budget, capping spending to a percentage of GDP, and adding a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.

  2. Tax dollars should not be used to fund non-governmental entities such as NPR and Planned Parenthood.

  3. We support requiring a 2/3 majority of the Washington State legislature to vote for any tax increase, as repeatedly approved by the voters.

  4. We oppose a state income tax.

  5. We support a broader, flatter, simpler federal income tax.

  6. We support openness and transparency in governmental and fiscal decision making.

  7. Sales tax on Public Works Projects should be eliminated; this process diverts gas taxes intended for road projects back into the general fund.


Fiscal responsibility is essential to uphold the basic principles established in the United States Constitution in order to protect the sovereignty of the United States.

  1. We support a monetary system which is controlled by the Congress of the United States of America. We do not support an international or regional monetary system.

  2. We support thorough and independent audits of the Federal Reserve.


Washington State should create a Business-friendly environment to promote robust economic growth.

  1. We support the reduction of excessive taxation and regulation and interference on businesses and individuals.

  2. We support free market solutions to promote economic growth and prosperity as opposed to more government involvement.

  3. We recognize the right to organize into private sector unions and to do so by secret ballot. We also recognize the right of individuals to opt out of union membership.

  4. We oppose closed door negotiations between public sector unions and any Government officials.

  5. We support the rights of union members to determine the allocation and use of their dues.


A strong national defense is necessary for government to fulfill its primary function, which is protecting its citizens and their individual rights.

  1. The security of our nation is the responsibility of our federal government, its military, its law enforcement agencies, and a vigilant public. Peace comes through strength and deterrence. We reaffirm standing with foreign nations, such as Israel, that share our principles of freedom, liberty, and national sovereignty.

  2. We honor all past and current obligations to our troops, veterans, and their families. We support improving pay, allowances, and benefits.

  3. Gun-free zones are not an effective deterrent to crime or terrorism, but rather encourage both. We support the right of individuals to be responsible for their own security.

  4. We endorse stronger punishment for those convicted of violent crimes.



The U. S. Constitution’s core principles of national sovereignty and domestic tranquility rest on impermeable international borders, upheld by justice predicated on enforced regulation of immigration.  Without strong borders and enforced immigration regulation, there can be no national sovereignty, domestic tranquility, or ability to “secure the Blessings of liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” The federal and state governments are responsible for:

  1. Securing our international borders and coastlines and building a border wall.

  2. Enforcing existing immigration laws.

  3. Sanctioning employers who hire illegal immigrants.

  4. Ending all entitlement access to illegal immigrants.

  5. Making English the official language of the United States.

  6. We affirm the right of states to enforce immigration laws.

  7. We support legal immigration and assimilation into our American culture.

  8. We oppose the creation and practice of sanctuary cities, and states.

  9. We support local law enforcement agencies (including all State, County, and municipal agencies) to work in cooperation with ICE.


We have a duty to protect the environment without violating individual property rights. Private land ownership enhances good stewardship of the land through each owner’s responsible oversight.

  1. We support energy independence. We support offshore and domestic drilling. We support making use of all available energy resources including safe nuclear power and hydroelectric dams.

  2. We support reducing regulations and costs that hinder re-licensing of energy producing facilities.

  3. We support the free-market determination of best energy production.

  4. We oppose policies, taxes, and regulations based on the politics of climate change.


Private property rights concern the legal and personal ownership of title or exclusive right to the control of property, which is protected by our Constitution.

  1. We support the Washington State Constitution’s protection of individual private property rights as a core function of state, county, and local governments. Property rights must be reinforced and upheld.

  2. We support the U.S. Constitution’s principle of individual private property rights over collective policy such as environmental mandates or government interests. These priorities must be re-established and maintained in Snohomish County.

  3. We support repealing the Washington State Growth Management Act, which is an outgrowth of United Nations Agenda 21 including Vision 2050 which infringes on private property rights guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

  4. We support due process and right of appeal regarding private property ownership and utilization. These must be strengthened and upheld to protect individuals from government intrusion.

  5. We support full and fair compensation to property owners for all loss of use or lost market value due to environmental and/or regulatory mandates.

  6. We believe the natural resources derived from personal private property are not owned by the government and shall not be usurped, taxed, or otherwise infringed upon by any governmental agency.


A robust highway system is necessary for prosperity, commerce, and recreation in the State of Washington.

  1. We believe that the reduction of traffic congestion should be the top priority of the Washington State Department of Transportation. (WSDOT)

  2. We support the creation of new and expanded roadway infrastructure to reduce traffic congestion as the top priority of the WSDOT. We oppose any changes to zoning ordinances that allow higher density housing without a commitment to additional roadway infrastructure to support it.

  3. We adamantly oppose adding any tolls to the state highway system; it is double taxation. We call for removing the toll structure on I 405.

  1. Fuel taxes shall be used for the purpose of road and infrastructure construction and maintenance, and not be diverted to subsidize mass transit and bicycle lanes.

  2. We oppose the use of GPS or any other means to tax automobile use per mile.