Public Safety

Catalog of Crises

House Republican Caucus
January 2025

Washington State has the lowest number of law enforcement officers in nation, per capita, ranking 51st, including Washington DC

  • Washington has the highest number of motor vehicle thefts in the nation; it is 114% higher than the national average.

    • Vehicle thefts increased nationwide by 14% from 2020 to 2022.

    • In Washington vehicle thefts increased 65% during the same time period.

  • 11,600,000 data breaches occurred in 2024; it is a 159.43% increase in one year; it is the first time that the number of notices sent exceeded the state's population.

  • Murders in Washington increased 80% since 2019.

  • 19.6% increase in violent crime

  • 27.3% increase in aggravated assault

  • 19.8% increase in robbery.

  • Juvenile crime is exploding, especially in violent crime; 67% increase in arrests

  • Washington is among the states with the highest number of human trafficking cases

  • Washington ranks second highest for the most missing and murdered indigenous women

  • Drug overdose deaths increased in one year by 45%, 2023 to 2024 in Spokane County alone

    • Washington has the second highest drug overdose rate in the nation

    • overdose deaths rose from 28.1 deaths per 100,000 population to 33.7 in one year, 2023 to 2024.

    • Overdose deaths nationwide fell by 10% 2023 to 2024; Washington overdose deaths rose 14% in the same time period.

    • Youth overdose cases have tripled since 2019.