

 Snohomish, Skagit and Island GOP Counties Joint Resolution Concerning      

 Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5044

An act relating to equity, cultural competency, and dismantling institutional racism in the public school system.

Whereas; The Washington State Senate passed Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5044; and 

Whereas; ESSB 5044 states that institutional racism exists in our public school system and must be dismantled, although in ESSB 5044 there is no definition that defines what Institutional Racism is; and this characterization of teachers and school boards is in itself highly racist and an insult to our public school workforce; and

Whereas; our Founding Documents define our principles of fairness as Equal Opportunity; not Equal Outcome; and our Declaration of Independence clearly states that all men are created equal, but does not guarantee equal outcomes for any student or citizen; and one of the fundamental principles of the United States of America is equality, meaning equal justice under the law; and

Whereas; Equity achieves fairness by treating people differently dependent on need, while equality achieves fairness by treating everyone the same regardless of need. Equity concentrates power in the government by treating people differently as determined by government. Equality gives power to the people; and

Whereas; The Democrat Party has controlled the legislature and the executive branch of government for the last forty years; and therefore is responsible for state public school policy. And the Washington Education Association and its members are also responsible for instituting racial curriculum and controlling the educational standards in the public schools in Washington State; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Republican Parties of Snohomish, Skagit, and Island Counties declare that the Washington State Democrat Senate Leadership has performed a terrible disservice to the entire Washington State Educational system by passing ESSB 5044 through the State Senate; and

Be it finally resolved that we strongly disapprove of SB 5044 and request that the Washington State House of Representatives do not pass this bill.

Resolution to Oppose Comprehensive Sex Education

WHEREAS the Democrats in the Washington State Legislature passed ESSB 5395 to implement a state-mandated Comprehensive Sex Education starting in Kindergarten, and

WHEREAS Republicans believe conversations regarding sexual education should begin in the home at an age when parents believe it is appropriate, and

WHEREAS the majority of parents believe decisions regarding the instruction of sexual education should be decided at the local level, and

WHEREAS ESSB 5395 is a top-down approach where state bureaucrats decide what sex education curricula local schools must teach, and

WHEREAS a majority of schools under the guidance of local schools, parents and community standards already teach age appropriate sexual education, and

WHEREAS ESSB 5395 eliminates a school district’s option to not teach sexual education to young children in lower grades, and

WHEREAS the only state approved curricula for K-12 is called 3Rs and contains explicit instructional lessons on male/female genitalia, and

WHEREAS the 3Rs lesson plans for fourth grade contains R rated adult themes that are not age appropriate, and

WHEREAS a disturbing sixth grade lesson plan in the 3Rs curricula sends students to a Planned Parenthood website, and

WHEREAS parents believe the state-mandated curricula is not age appropriate and teaches adult themes at too young of an age, and

WHEREAS Republicans believe parents and local school boards deserve a voice in the matter of teaching sexual education to children,

WHEREAS the Democrats in Olympia ignored the massive parent protest and passed ESSB 5395 without a single Republican vote, and therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Washington State Republican Party joins with Parents for Safe Schools to support a referendum to the people for the repeal ESSB 5395, the extreme K-12 Comprehensive Sex Education law, we therefore offer full support of Referendum 90 for the repeal ESSB 5395.

Resolution in Support of the “Safe Economic Restart Plan” for Washington State 

WHEREAS the Wuhan coronavirus, which results in the communicable disease known as COVID-19, has achieved a global outbreak recently and poses a serious health risk to many people—including many Washingtonians; and,

WHEREAS the President of the United States has recognized the COVID-19 outbreak as a serious matter of public health policy, while also acknowledging that the government’s response to the outbreak can also be harmful to the people’s health and economic well-being; and,

WHEREAS the President of the United States has stated that the best public policy for the “new reality” created by the COVID-19 outbreak balances public health and economic needs, managed by individual state governors; and,

WHEREAS the Governor of Washington, despite numerous press conferences and photo opportunities during the COVID-19 outbreak, has failed to convey any appreciation for maintaining the balance between public health and economic needs; and,

WHEREAS the Governor of Washington has failed—now that transmission rate for COVID-19 has been slowed—to communicate a clear plan for re-opening industries, commercial activities and public spaces that have been ordered closed, despite offers of support and detailed plans from industry groups, labor unions, local governments and other stakeholders; and,

WHEREAS local jurisdictions around the State of Washington, recognizing the Governor’s recent lack of clear leadership, are already choosing to disregard the Governor’s proclamations and orders; and,

WHEREAS good governance recognizes the need for citizen’s to accept personal responsibility for their individual decisions regarding protection of their own health risk through social distancing, wearing mask and gloves, and/or reducing their exposure by staying at home, and personally choosing to participate in virus testing and vaccines: and

WHEREAS the Republican caucuses in the Washington State Senate and House have publicly released a strategic plan, known as the strategic “Safe Economic Restart Plan” (hereinafter referred to as the Plan), for re-opening businesses, public lands, public facilities and recreational activities—a plan that includes specific timelines and metrics; and

WHEREAS the Plan provides a clear and compelling vision for the state’s recovery and was developed with clear lines of communication and input from a large variety of stakeholders;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Washington State Republican Party (WSRP) declares:
The strategic “Safe Economic Restart Plan” for re-opening Washington business, schools and other institutions, drafted recently by the Republican State House and Senate caucuses, provides a clear and compelling vision for the state’s recovery from the COVID-19 outbreak.
The Safe Economic Restart Plan represents the first comprehensive, broadly supported, and transparent effort at rebuilding the state economy while maintaining traditional Washington values.
The Governor of the State of Washington must adopt the Safe Economic Restart Plan immediately.